Monday, November 5, 2012

Starting our orchard!

      These pictures are challenging to make out, however.. Welcome to the beginings of our orchard. we now have five Asian Pear trees planted.
      The ground you see cleared was preciously covered in very thick weeds and vegetation. It took quite a few hours to get it looking like this. I am quite pleased with how well the grass below what was cut is looking!
      The picture was taken between the top two ponds from the driveway.

      This is a bit more close up. Uncle Bruce took a "tile" (the black thing along the base of the new tree) and applied it to the tree. The deer are nipping the buds and rubbing the bark. We hear this will detour them.
      We chose the Asian pear due to its heartiness and ability to survive Ohio climate. It also has a very long shelf life once harvested mid to end summer. Lasting into February. The fruits are crisp like an apple and sweet like a pear.
     The holes I prepared to plant the tree's in took another few hours of work. I dug them by hand to about four feet round and three to four feet down.
     I mixed the dirt I dug with four different soils and compost's I collected from around the farm in different areas. I look for well broken down organic materials, dirt consistency, and fertility. I suggest to smell the soils and feel them with your hands. You will remember where you collected and what its advantages and disadvantages were.
    From there I filled in my natural pots, added leaves and grass clippings as natural mulching and I believe we are going to be successful in growing these five delicious trees!

~ Onward, Forward!


  1. and thanks to kerry for the "tree" donations.

  2. Yes Thank you Kerry. I suppose I should have done a tribute in the post..
