Thursday, August 23, 2012

Presenting: Sugar Grove Eco Village!

Welcome To: Sugar Grove Eco Village!

This is our first ever announcement and presence online! Thank you and welcome from the bottom of our hearts <3.

We are a collective of five adults and three children who have decided to shed the city suburban lives we have known to begin a path of self sustainability and reconnecting to the land and our heritage.

Our current place in this process consists of three years worth of dreaming, imagination, and research combined with hard work and farm or bust mentalities which have motivated and stired this idea into what is now a reality. We have our property picked out (which I will use this blog to show you around). We have a business model. We have a move in date!
This blog is meant to catalog our ideas, the out come of those ideas without bias (good or bad),  the evolution of our property as we begin our decent into our goal of bio diversity to maintain the health and self producing abilities of the farm, the politics of adults learning to live together, the trials and tribulations, the triumphs and successes, as well as to give us a life line to you! The WORLD!
So consider this your personal invitation to come follow this blog, our website which is currently being developed (will announce soon), and interact in our experiment.
Coming soon: Our Ethos, Our Model, Our Farm (an interactive tour), Our Inspirations, Our Projects and Goals!
Pleased to meet you, may we begin in peace!
~P.J. Creamer (Co-Founder)

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