Sunday, August 26, 2012

An Introduction! Presenting:

There is mom! (Tina Brooks) Our fearless leader who has given it all up to invest in one big adventure we've all been called to. She plans to eventually move out of her mother in law suite, located in the basement/ground level of the house, and into a hobbit like underground habitat. Using the earth for the majority of her heating and cooling needs. Interconnecting with nature as she blends serenity into her being.

There's RICK! exiting the unsustainable just 1 day ahead of me in his existence. We all will be giving up so much as we leave the comfort of what we have known. We all will gain a tremendous amount as we pursue what we know is right.

And here is Ricks TREE! He plans to move out of his second floor bedroom, with a nice bathroom i may add, and into this TREE! I cant wait to see what develops here. These ideas are about growth and empowerment of our individual selves. We realize we have the ability to exist without the permission of others. We see nature react positively to our presence and technique. When things seem to encourage rather than unwind and deplete you, I believe we have found OUR HOME! Welcome to Sugar Grove Eco Village. More to come!

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