Sunday, October 14, 2012

Building A Green House for 100$

     Money is not yet quite abundant just yet. Also keeping in mind that our attempt to achieve responsibility through self sustainability has us thinking natural, nature provided materials. We have begun construction on a greenhouse we intend to build for under 100$. Screws and Nails can be obtained almost anywhere cheep or next to nothing if you think a little out of the box. Yard sales, friends, family, neighbors, that old guy across the street.
     We happened upon ours which were overstock from other peoples projects we have collected. Our only other expenses have been 2x4's which ran 40$ and a roll of 6 mil plastic which ran 60$. Our poles are natural harvest. Which we found already downed hard woods which were standing off the ground and/or dried properly enough to be sturdy. A little hard work And wallah! Here it is.

Rick sizing up the middle pole for a level cut at the top.

Set the back poles to support the incoming roof.

Add a roof and a few supports to square it up.

Add some plastic. Snow out, Sun in!

    And there you have it! This now sits on the two acres in the back that we have been working very hard to clear of some major over growth consisting mostly of sticker bushes and velcro sticker plants. Stay tuned as this should be finished by Wednesday or so. Ill post our results as soon as we are complete! 

   ~ On-ward Fore-ward

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