Sunday, October 7, 2012

PJ's Eco Village Update!

Hello from The Grove! As you can see, Autumn is setting in. It is a cool 50 and below day here in The Grove. Sunday has brought a nice slow morning so I thought I would write an update.
     So far the majority of our settling in at the farm is in place. We still have loads of pictures and such to hang. It has been interesting as the four adults and two children living here permanatly learn to live together in cohesion. Cleaning and laundry are a major tribe effort and I am enjoying the group benefits. We have determined a good attitude going into this is there are no perfect people, there are no perfect relation ships. There is friends and family for those who we have found common bonds and the agreement to see each others imperfections in a perfect way. What fun it is to watch it all happen!
    The majority of the days this far have consisted of attempting to get everything in the house into position and in good repair. There has been alot of clearing wood and harvesting poles and building materials. With the minimal budget and the idea for the land to provide our imaginations are just teaming with ideas in natural materials, barter and trade, and finding other free or inexpensive resources for our start up projects. (See chickens below!)
     I keep myself busy at the moment watching documentaries on netflix, youtube, and else where to further my Eco Education and Awareness to issues we face. I as well love instructional videos and online resources in howto's and do it on your owns. My major fascinations going into fall at the moment is Building my own bee hive to hold my spring bees. Harvest and possibly mount poles for spring pens to house dairy goats, alpacas, and what ever else we become excited about! My most imidiate and favorite at the moment is Maple Syrup production. What a great easy way to make money and have fun in the fall time. Not to mention I believe I have found why our home is in a town called "Sugar Grove". I believe I have identified one major species of tree that pepers our property in large quanities and mature trees is the SUGAR MAPLE! I am quite excited!
     That's all for now. I do plan to make this blog a part of my day every day very soon! With the pace slowing here at The Grove as we settle in and the natural breaks winter applies to us all I may just find this time. On-Ward Fore-Ward!

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