Sunday, October 14, 2012

Country State of Mind!

We have been busy at The Grove this week. Rick and I have cleared almost two acres of land in the back half which we are preparing for green house space, outdoor planting space, and animal pins. It is hard to appreciate the kind of work taking on a flat full of sticker bushes, thistles, small trees, and what ever else is in your way (downed trees) really is unless you have done it!
     It is a neat twist I am experiencing. A much needed change I would say. Im so exhausted after a hard days work by 9 o'clock or so I am ready for a Netflix and away I drift. The big city kept me on the move and a sleeping in. The country seems to be just the change I was looking for. Is that what the city is missing? always expecting little work for big payouts and never feeling the satisfaction of the burn and ability to stand back and say... I did that, goodnight, and still enjoy it come morning. By Saturday we had friends out and a wonderful fire and the 12 oz. curls almost too much, or losing their charm?
     Our lives are changing and we cant help but feel its for the better. The transition has been anything but easy. Lots of work and lots of attention. The amount of humility and honesty with ourselves it has taken is exhausting in its own. It seems to be a theme to life at the moment that even tho seems harder and at times can bring you to your end, why not just quit and go back to what we know. I have to stop and observe that what this is really bringing about is a peace that did not exist before, and a chance at living in balance with nature, tendencies, and ourselves that brings an easy state of mind. This brings an easier breath, an easier sleep at night, and a drive that easily go's. Work is harder, Life is easier, And I'm in love!

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