Monday, November 5, 2012

Breaking Bread At The Farm

     Sunday dinner was excellent at the farm this pas weekend thanks to delicious homemade "french country bread" cooked in our fire burning cast iron stove.
     I an very impressed with this stove as it is very easy to maintain a good cooking temperature. It also has six "burners" on top of the stove which we put water in pots to release moisture back into the air.
     Welcome to the world of wood collecting, chopping, and hauling. A labor of love.
     We never fooled ourselves going into this. The hard work and dedication is something we knew was coming. You simply will not be successful in a situation that demands you take some responsibility for yourself,  the materials and energy you exhaust, and how your environment reacts to that.
      I think that is the greatest reward in the direction we have chose. Not to snub the society we left behind, but to find our selves and our connection to the everything that is around us. We can remind ourselves of the importance and advantages this brings to us as individuals and together as the human race. Ive spent plenty of time thinking and studying what I'm against. I know it well. Now it is time for the balance of knowing and becoming what I am for.

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