Saturday, November 3, 2012

Burn? Barrel? Eco?

     So look we aim to be a completely open honest eco village because we believe this angle or goal will bring us the most benefit as far as exposing our weaknesses and thus solving our most nagging problems.
     Here is one of them..
     This is our "Burn Barrel". We purchased a metal barrel (food grade). We cut the top off and hammered the rough edges making them somewhat smooth. And we added a few air holes as well as ignition door. And there you have it...
     We burn anything we can't recycle or compost. We are in our infancy and we know we do not want to commit to local government deciding  how best to deal with our trash. Our aim is waste reduction.

     This is an example of honesty. Has anyone out there found another way to deal with this issue? Please comment and interact with our blog!
~Onward, Forward. =)

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