Saturday, November 3, 2012

Seasons Change

 All is going well I am happy to report! As fall is setting in here in "The Grove" The trees are beautiful and our mindsets are quickly shifting gears towards what lies ahead and preparation.     
     There are lots of ideas and directions afloat. We all have a constant drive in these early stages to define exactly what it is we are all doing here. A true artist know ambition. Aims and heads in that direction with no real guarantee as to how long this journey may be. When it will take shape or what will even form. All we know as each other is that we must create. Everything in us is calling to be free and live as we want to be. We are beginning to understand the responsibilities, the dynamics and changes in our ways of life and thinking, the abilities we have to adapt and understand more than what we presently know. This is the frontier. It will never go away no matter the shape of the future. It will always exist as we are witness to and experienced in today.
      A beautiful shot further examples the bareness we began to experience just one short week after the picture above was taken.
     Our major activities and expense of energy are now directed towards keeping warm. We have loads of wood sitting just beyond all tree lines thanks to the winter storms of '08. We are now appreciating the work that goes into extracting and making this burnable. With the limited equipment available at the present moment. one riding lawn mower and an old beat Craftsman chainsaw built to do half the work we ask of it. Its almost as if the mechanical limits of the equipment are challenged by our sheer will to over come the limits before us and succeed. Where ever that limit we set is. Genius Potential 101
     A picture here now shows one clear moment we received in a stint of 5 days of rain. The days were long and gloomy. Cabin fever staved off by each others company as in the moment is where we have decided to reside.
     A puzzle, good food, each others company with ideas tooling of the future and what is too be. That will do for now. And all I need in the ward off rainy day tea.
     Thank you all for reading,
     ~Onward Forward!

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